Who's behind 'Work It' Towels?


This mother and son duo are creative types who've set out to inspire movement through clever and FUNctional fitness towels.  We noticed friends using old, gross bath towels or freebie scratchy screen prints at the gym and we knew there had to be a better option... so we created it!

Co-founder, Stacy (me), is an out-of-the-box thinker who loves to incorporate creativity with humor whenever possible.  As a pharmaceutical sales rep in my twenties, I used original tactics to get physicians' attention in a saturated market.  During one particular sales challenge, my friend and I dressed as California raisins and sang an original song about uncontrolled blood pressure.  We swept the competition, and easily won the challenge.  I've always approached a task with a different view than most.  I guess I don't want to completely follow the rules? Life is much more fun when you color outside the lines a bit.

Harrison has been drawn to artistic endeavors from a very young age, spending hours drawing and painting whenever the time allowed.  In second grade, he was a finalist in a grocery store chain's bag design contest.  And soon after, he began working with a local artist in the area, which led to his first art show in 2013. Since that time, he has taken his love of art to graphic design, creating cool projects for school and Work It towels.  


We're enjoying the time we get to spend together creating something useful, fun and motivating.  I've always been a bit of a self-help junkie, so I love incorporating cheeky, yet inspirational designs for our towels and our social media posts.  We're having a lot of fun with this, and it's so refreshing to connect on something that energizes us both.  And at the end of the day, if we can motivate people to move their body, that's a win for everyone.  



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1 comment

Love the story. Great to see. Your fitness towels are simply the best. I have one for every workout day!


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